Hopefully, it’s not really complicated to dig into the code and have a good overview of how loads is designed, but sometimes a good document explaining how things are done is a good starting point, so let’s try!
You can run loads either in distributed mode or in non-distributed mode. The vast majority of the time, you want to spawn a number of agents and let them hammer the site you want to test. That’s what we call the distributed mode. Alternatively, you may want to run things in a single process, for instance while writing your functional tests, that’s the non-distributed mode.
You invoke the loads.runner.Runner class.
A loads.case.TestResult object is created. This object is a data collector, it is passed to the test suite (TestCase), the loads Session object and the websocket manager. Its very purpose is to collect the data from these sources. You can read more in the section named TestResult below.
We create any number of outputs (standard output, html output, etc.) in the runner and register them to the test_result object.
The loads.case.TestCase derivated-class is built and we pass it the test_result object.
A number of threads / gevent greenlets are spawned and the tests are run one or multiple times.
During the tests, both the requests’ Session, the test case itself and the websocket objects report their progress in real time to test_result. When there is a need to disambiguate the calls, a loads_status object is passed along.
It contains data about the hits, the total number of users, the current user and the current hit.
Each time a call is made to the test_result object to add data, it notifies its list of observers to be sure they are up to date. This is helpful to create reports in real time, as we get data, and to provide a stream of info to the end users.
When you run in distributed mode, you have a distributed runner (master) which, rather than running the tests locally, asks an Agent to run them. It is possible to run a number of agents at the same time.
These agents are just simple runners, but instead of reporting everything locally, using a TestResult object, they relay all the data to the master instance using a 0MQ stream.
It means that the code in loads/relay.py is a drop-in replacement for a TestResult object.
Once the results are back to the master, it populates its local test_runner, which will in turn call the outputs to generate the reports.
A schema might help you to get things right:
All the inter-process communications (IPC) are handled by ZeroMQ, as you can see on the schema. Here is the caption:
The TestResult object follows the APIs of unittest. That’s why you can see methods such as addSuccess, addFailure, etc.
It is done this way so that you actually can just replace the normal unittest object by the one coming from loads, and gather data this way.
If you have a look at what you can find in loads/case.py, you will find that we create a TestResultProxy object. This is done so that the test_result object we pass to the TestCase have the exact same APIs than the one in unittest (it used to contain extra arguments).