
Using loads in a different language

Loads is built in a way that makes it possible to have runners written in different languages. It’s perfectly possible to have a runner in javascript or ruby, sending data to loads.

This is made possible by the use of zeromq to send inter-process (or even inter-machines!) messages.

This means you can write your load tests with whatever language you want, as long as the test-runner sends back its results in the zmq pipeline, respecting the format described in this document.

Implementations in other languages

  • Integration of loads with javascript, named loads.js

Loads messaging format

The messages sent to loads always contain a data_type key, which describes the type of that that’s being sent.

The messages respect the following rules:

  • All the data is JSON encoded.
  • Dates are expressed in ISO 8601 format, (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS)
  • You should send along the worker id with every message. Each worker id should be different from each other.

A message generally looks like this:

    data_type: 'something',
    worker_id: '1',
    other_key_1: 'foo'
    other_key_2: 'bar'


Some messages take a loads_status argument. loads_status is a list of values concerning the current status of the load. It contains, in this order:

  • cycles: the number of cycles that will be running in total
  • user: the number of users per cycle)
  • current_cycle: the cycle we are currently in
  • current_user: the current user that’s doing the requests

errors / exceptions

When errors / exceptions are caught, they are serialised and sent trough the wire, as well. When you see an exc *, it is a list containing this:

  • A string representation of the exception
  • A string representation of the exception class
  • The traceback / Stack trace.

Data types

Before and after you run the tests, you need to tell that you’re doing so:

  • startTestRun()
  • stopTestRun()


When using loads, you usually run a test suite. Tests start, stop, succeed and fail. Here are the APIs you can use:

  • addFailure(test_name, exc *, loads_status)
  • addError(test_name, exc *, loads_status)
  • addSuccess(test_name, loads_status)
  • startTest(test_name, loads_status)
  • stopTest(test_name, loads_status)


To track requests, you only have one method, named “add_hit” with the following parameters:

  • url, the URL of the request, for instance
  • method, the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.)
  • status, the response of the call (200)
  • started, the time when it started
  • elapsed, the number of seconds (decimal) the request took to run
  • loads_status, as already described


If you’re also able to track what’s going on with the socket connections, then you can use the following messages:

  • socket_open()
  • socket_close()
  • socket_message(size) # the size, in bytes, that were transmitted via the websocket.