loads-runner only mandatory argument is the fully qualified name
(FQN) of the test method you want to call. Fully Qualified Name means
that you provide a string that contains the package, sub packages,
module, class and test name, all separated by dots - like an
import statement.
For example, if your test module is called test_server and
located in the tests package under the project package,
the FQN for the test_es method in the TestSite class will be:
Running that test is done with:
$ loads-runner project.tests.test_server.TestSite.test_es
Loads imports the test_server module, instanciantes the
TestSite class, then call the test_es method.
Every other option in loads-runner is optional, as
the command provides defaults to run the test locally a single
time with a single user.
This is useful for trying out a test, but to do a real
load test, you will need more options.
Common options
Loads has 3 options you can use to define how much of
a load you are sending.
- -u / –users: the number of concurrent users spawned for
the test. You can provide several values separated by ”:”.
Example: “10:20:30”. In that case, Loads will spawn 10, then
20 then 30 users. That’s what we call a cycle
Defaults to 1.
- –hits: the number of times the test is executed per user.
Like for –users, you can provide a cycle. The number
of tests will be the cartesian product of hits by users.
Defaults to 1.
- -d / –duration: number of seconds the test is run. This
option is mutually exclusive with –hits. You will have to decide
if you want to run test a certain number of times or for a
certain amount of time. When using duration, Loads will
loop on the test for each user indefinitely. Defaults
to None.
Distributed mode options
When running in distributed mode, the most important options
are –broker and –agents, that will let you point
a cluster and define the number of nodes to use, but they
are other options that may be useful to run your test.
- -b / –broker: Point to the broker’s ZMQ front socket.
defaults to ipc:///tmp/loads-front.ipc. We call it front
socket because the broker has many other socket, and this
one is used by the broker to receive all queries that are
then dispatched to backends.
- -a / –agents: Defines the number of nodes you want to
use to run a load test. This option triggers the distributed
mode: if you use it, then Loads makes the assumption that
you are in distributed mode. When you use agents, the
users/hits/duration options will be sent to each agent, so
the number of tests that will be executed is the cartesian
product = [agents x users x (hits or duration)].
Defaults to None.
- –test-dir: when provided, the broker will ask every agent
to create the directory on the slave box, and chdir to it.
For example, you can pass a value like “/tmp/mytest”.
Loads will create all intermediate directories if they don’t
- –python-dep: points a Python project name, that will be
installed on each slave prior to running the test, using pip.
You can provide the usual version
notation if needed. You can also provide several –python-dep
arguments if you need them - or None.
- –include-file: give that option a filename or a directory
and Loads will recursively upload the files on each slave.
That option needs to be used with –test-dir. You can
also use glob-style patterns to include several files.
Something like: “*.py” will include all Python files
in the current directory. Like –python-deps* you
can provide one or several options, or None.
- –detach: when this flag is used, the runner will
call the broker and quit immediatly. The test will be
running in detached mode. This can also be done
by hitting Ctrl-C after the run has started.
- –attach: use this flag to reattach a console to
an existing run. If several runs are active, you will
have to choose which one to get attached to.
- –ping-broker: use this flag to display the broker
status: the number of workers, the active runs
and the broker options.
- –purge-broker: use this flag to stop all
active runs.
- –health-check: use this flag to run an
empty test on every agent. This option is useful
to verify that every agent is up and responsive.
- –observer: you can point a fully qualified name
that will be called from the broker when the test
is over. Loads provides built-in observers: irc
and email. They will send a message on a given
channel or to a given recipient when the test
is done.
- –no-patching: use this flag to prevent
Gevent monkey patching. see Writing asynchronous tests for
more information on this.
Configuration file
Instead of typing a very long command line, you can create a configuration
file and have Loads use it.
Here’s an example:
fqn = example.TestWebSite.test_something
agents = 4
include_file = *.py
test_dir = /tmp/tests
users = 5
duration = 30
observer = irc
detach = True
In this example, we’re pushing a load test accross 4 agents.
Using this config file is done with the –config option:
$ loads-runner --config config.ini