Loads is developed and tested with Python 2.7.
Loads uses ZeroMQ and Gevent, so you need to have libzmq and libev on your system. You also need the Python headers.
Under Debuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install libev-dev libzmq-dev python-dev
And under Mac OS X, using Brew:
$ brew install libev
$ brew install zeromq
$ brew install python
Make sure you have a C compiler, and then pip:
$ curl -O https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py
$ sudo python get-pip.py
This will install pip globally on your system.
The next step is to install Virtualenv:
$ sudo pip install virtualenv
This will also install it globally on your system.
Now we can build Loads locally:
$ make build
This will compile Gevent 1.0rc2 using Cython, and all the dependencies required by Loads - into a local virtualenv.
That’s it. You should then find load-runner in your bin directory.
To install what’s required to run distributed tests, you need to run:
$ make build_extras